
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Tide October 2010

Recently, a friend commented that she chanced upon a blog and thought she was reading mine. She said that the owner of the blog seemed to be immitating my style of putting up our "Media Highlights" and thanking the publications. It was subtle but obvious. (Get what I mean?) For me, putting up these magazines are a way for me to update customers, friends and family members on what I've been up to. But for some, it's obviously a must-have to follow. *shrugs*
Lately, I've been seeing so many designers and artist friends ranting about how their works are being imitated and copied because they publish them on their website, blogs, social networks...ect...ect and it makes me wonder whether it's worth all the effort? Is it worth it for me to be placing so many of my pieces online only to have others follow suit? And is it worth "their" efforts to even bother putting up something so similar?
Copying someone's website layout, web content, blog template, product design just takes the creative juice out of the game. I've not been oblivious to some very blatant (but subtle) follow-me(s) but I've chosen to stick by the "immitation is the best form of flattery" approach. And just because I've not gone down to a face-to-face confrontation does not mean I'm extremely pleased about it. Saying that, I'm sure that nobody would be if they had put in much thought, research, time, sweat, tears...only to have others mirror it. Poor luxury brands like LV, Prada, Chanel, Gucci...I feel you!
Anyway, I think creativity comes with a price. And unfortunately we can't stop others from wanting to be as good as we can be. We can only strive to put in more oomph in hopes that we're always a step ahead. While at it, we can always count our blessings. In this case, it's in the form of media support like the one below who definitely know how to appreciate some locally handmade pieces :D

Above: New Tide magazine Cover for October 2010.

Above: Sze Accessories Fleety Butterfly earrings in opague green featured under their Good Green Mood page of emerald looking pieces.

Above: Our handmade fleety butterfly earrings. Sold Out! However, we do have other green pieces under our Emerald Collection.

Above: Our own share of blue tint items that we blog about previously. View some bluish items under the Turquoise Collection. A blog on these items above are here.

Above: Sze's handmade Summer Rain earrings featured under their All In Blue page. It's the pair of earrings right below.

Above: Sze's Summer Rain earrings available under our Eau Collection at

Above: Sze's handmade Amber Charms necklace featured under their Autumn Brown page. Necklace featured is the piece right below.

Above: Sze's handmade Amber Charms Necklace available at SzeAccessories.Com under our Amber Collection.

Above: As forecasted, Sze's own Polyvore collage of autumn brown items in one of the recent blogs we posted. View the blog on this collection here.
