
Thursday, October 2, 2008

The inspiration behind Glam Grundge

Above: Tongue In Chic features Sze's Glam Grundge Range.
In line with a collaboration with popular blogger Joyce Wong (KinkyBlueFairy) Sze has created a range that encompasses KBF’s funky grunge style. This collection is fun, wild, hip and happening and consist of necklaces, earrings and brooches. Think bright neon pink, electric blue and spunky yellow.

What started of as a casual, "hey, let me design a range for KinkyBlueFairy?" while talking to Joyce Wong at Bangkok Jazz one afternoon turned out to be a really inspiring journey. Being the classic Audrey Hepburn fan, this range turned out to be quite a challenge as KBF is such a fiesty, playful and colourful personality that I found myself all over the place. I didn't know where to start. She can be simply classic, wild and cheeky all at one go. After much reseach into her character, fashion sense, likes of colour and shapes, Glam Grundge was birthed. It's an epistome of what I think Joyce the fairy is, a glamorous gurl with all the attitude and so much grundge.

Here's a little look into why some of the pieces reflect KinkyBlueFairy, right down to the colours, materials and style. All available at

Above: Pink. Simplicity in unique shapes. KBF loves her strong shapes that speak for themselves. No need for too much. Less is more. In this case, the tear drop weave is gorgeous on it's own with the silver reflective bead. A bit of disco diva with a loud burst of fuschia.

Above: Lipstick Jungle. A fusion of paradoxical charms mixed together for that ultra cool necklace. KBF loves her layered necklace for the individuality in its mix. Sweet but notti. Girly but wild. You decide!

Above: Electrified. Just the thought when you're strucked by lots of shocking blue waves. And that's how you feel when you meet this fiesty little lady. Slender figure in the most outstanding and latest fashion. A definition of "Fashionista".
Above: Collide. It doesn't always have to match. A blend of everything you never thought of. That's what KBF comes up with each time you see her. A real mix of creative jumble. Plus real guts to wear them.

Above: Siren. With hair as red as a fire truck, stature does not matter when you've got it better than the blondes. KBF also loves her plastics and metal. A clash of mesh that's got all the attitude and colour!

Above: Sze Accessories' link on KBF's blog page.

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