
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Martell Rising Personalities Award 2009: Gala Dinner: Door Gifts

One of the priviledges of being a Personality is that we get to created/ design a door gift for the 250 guest during the Gala Dinner which Martell has agreed to sponsor and innitially produce. And thus begin my search for something appropriate and useful that ties in with the brand.
While researching, I found out the many interesting ways of preparing a good MARTELL Cocktail. The list of interesting blends for this cognac is amazingly endless. The menu ranges from the Martell Cosmopolitant, Martell Sour, Martell Framboise, Maison Martell and to my favourite the Martell Ginger.

That's when I realised that I could design some glass charms to help guest identify their glasses during a party. They are made from little round rings with a different charm on each ring so that you'll know which glass is yours. For the event, I used two different coloured cosminc shaped crystals to differentiate them. A branding charm with Martell and Sze Accessories logo hangs gingerly on the rings.

Don't wanna bore you with the details, so here's a sneak peak on what I've been working on. Will upload the final pictures when I'm totally done with them. As of 5 minutes ago, I was still tying ribbons to the gift cards that are suppose to be attached to the velvet pouches that house the Drink Charms.

Above: Ribbons in Sze Accessories Turquoise.

Above: Gift Cards to adron the pouches with a short description that the Drink Charms are for stems, handles, bottles and rims. Just in case the guest think they are hoop earrings.

Above: Looping the ribbons has made me a bit loopy :p

Just trying to finish up everything before I head over to Hong Kong (totally unexpected and extremely necessary) on Saturday and will only be back right on time for the Gala Dinner rehearsal and also an interview with New Tide Magazine.

Shim from New Tide called today and is rushing an article for their January 2010 bumper issue. Seeing that time's really running out and he was working on a tight schedule, I gave into his, "it will only take 2 hours." I just hope I'm not overly tired from my trip and come back with panda eyes. Fingers cross that I'll also have the time to set up the place, all nice and dandy.

Praying for strength, wisdom and agility to do all, multi task and survive this hectic month.