
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cute As A Button

Above: Cute As A Button available for purchase at under the Tailored collection.

When people ask me this question, what inspires me? I constantly forget to tell them, it's my late grandfather. If you follow my blogs, you'll probably get an inkling of the full story. But to cut the long story short, he was a tailor, he owned his shop in a little town called Sabak Bernam, Perak, Malaysia. He made clothings for a living and even had many seamstress working for him at one time. He knew how to make coats and I just keep wondering why I never picked up the sewing interest since I was the one always sitting atop the measuring/ ironing table while doing my homework. Well, he passed away earlier this year in's the end of the year now. How time flies...and it just reminds me of him that's all.

So, I've created a new batch of earrings made from buttons that I have been stocking up on for a long time coming. Everytime I see a piece I like, I buy them and keep them. And this is what'I have made of them. They are nostalgic to me. Reminds me of when I use to pull open every little drawer that's stuck to the Singer (I wonder if it's a coincidence that my current church building sits upon the old Singer factory) sewing machines and play with the colourful buttons. I was by then old enough to know that they were not sweets. I might have taken one or two down- just to try. :P

Anyway, the year ends make you think a lot more about the past, things you've done this year and things that have yet to be done (like planning my own wedding!). But it's all a good way of reminding ourselves what else needs to be done before the year closes in on us and becomes history. I hope you've written your resolutions! I hope you've had enough this year to last you till the next and I hope you'll have a really great time celebrating Christmas and the coming New Year!

Till then, enjoy this newly updated pieces :)