
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

It's the time of the year...that makes you reminisce about the past and dream about the future to come.

Jan issues are already hitting the newstands and some December issues have already been taken of the stands (I'm serious). the publication sector works their timelines.

Right after the Martell Gala Dinner, there were a few calls for interviews that I would have really loved to turn down at that point in time due to having too many things on my plate at once and a family crisis that was totally unexpected. However, knowing that I much needed the publicity for the brand, I didn't. And I'm really glad they pushed me a little and I pushed myself harder. It's been an extremely tiring few months, and just when I thought I could take a breather...bigger things happened. Tell you all about it later...

2009 has not been a good year for my family but business wise, things have really picked up a bit and the brand has been getting quite a lot of leverage. Both ways, I try and lean towards the positive and not let whatever "bad" things that have happened thus far affect my motion. It's part of life. Don't expect it to be a bed of roses and you won't be disappointed :P

Come 2010, things are looking a bit clearer and brighter. For one, I'm getting M.A.R.R.I.E.D. I can hardly believe it, which reminds me- I need to start bugging my wedding planner. That aside, to kick of the year, there are three or four very exciting features, interviews in some magazines and newspapers that I had with some of the press. Pretty neat stuff. I got my hands on one or two of them already but I'm still waiting for the rest to pop up at the stores.

Till then, I thought I'd just wish all of you a Blessed Christmas. May this Christmas be a time of bonding with family, friends, colleagues and well...the people around you that really matter. And may the new year start of with a blast of hope, dreams, love and all things beautiful about life. Thanks again for all the support that you have given me. Without my customers, the media, my family and friends, I wouldn't have gone very far. Your support and encouragements throughout the years have brought me to where I am and...I will continue to press on!

Lots of Hugs and Kisses (to last you a lifetime)

P.S.- The big thing that is about to that Sze Accessories will be consigning our pieces to Isetan The Gardes and also Isetan KLCC in the month of January 2010 and February 2010. Need all the support you can "give". *Hint* *Hint*