
Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Many have written in to ask whether we provide Jewelry Making Courses. For now, I'd say, no, but who knows, maybe in the future, we just might. However, alternatively, because I need some extra hands to help me out with my business, I'm looking for individuals who are interested in learning how to make jewelry. I'll teach you the skills for free (instead of taking up a course), but you'll have to intern with me by helping me make make the pieces that I design.

Email me if you're a:

1. School leaving student on holiday and want to earn some extra cash. We'll provide you with jewelry findings to piece together.

2. Jewelry student who has learnt how to make jewelry and want to earn money with your new found skills? Repetition and oppotunities make perfection.

3. A stay-at-home mum who wants to learn a new skill (beading/ jewelry making) and make some money at the comforts of home while taking care of the children.

You get to work from home! We'll make arrangements for you to take the pieces home to make at the comforst of your own place and at your leisure. Meaning that the hours are flexible to your liking as long as they meet our datelines.

So, do email me, if you're interested and we'll see what we can work out? Thanks and hear from you soon. Send those emails my way to mail to:

We're also hiring part-timers who want to earn RM5 an hour to mend our stall at a reputable retailer in Kuala Lumpur in January 2010 and February 2010. Commission will also be included. So, if you're awaiting your SPM results and don't feel like bumming around, earn a buck-a-roo or two before college starts! Or if you're a college student waiting to find a full time job, instead of wasting your days away, get face-to-face experience with customers by selling accessories at our retail outlet.

Hear from you soonest!
Lots of love and kisses