
Friday, January 8, 2010

Female January 2010

Female did a short writeup on Sze Accessories as an online shopping medium for their issue this month which really supports what I stand for, which is that online shopping is still the future of fashion retail. Despite the fact that some friends have told me that, being in Isetan is contradicting to what I stand for, I have to say that, it's a two way traffic. The promo area and the website boost traffic both ways. I have customers from Isetan who are now online customers and vice versa. But of course, the website is still my main source of sales.

The customers from Isetan prefer most of my sourced items while the ones online are pretty accustomed to buying my handmade stuff (which are pricier but a reasonable price to pay for if you know how to appreciate it). So, it's great because they (both selling avanues) each compliment one another. It's a win-win situation ;P

Above: Female Magazine Malaysia January 2010 cover.
Above: Fashion Beat under Female January's 2010 issue, page 86. Review of online accessory websites and blogs.