
Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Star Properties: Sze's Abode

Last year around Dec 09, Willy from The Star properties emailed me to ask whether he could feature my condo. To which I replied, "It is actually my fiance's place". I didn't think it was appropriate then as we were not living together. I was also in the midst of a very crucial planning stage of my wedding. So, I actually said no innitially and tried delaying it (hoping that Willy would forget) and pushing it till after March 2010.

But persistence does pay off and Willy didn't forget. Infact, he called me the very week after my wedding. "Sze, can we please feature your house?" I was so shocked that he remembered.

Reporters! But well, Willy knows I absolutely adore him. A really nice guy to boot. And we seem to get along really well. Chatted with him for about 3 hours before we even got any work done. Found out that he had no first name. His name was simply "Willy" and boy did that get him into lots of trouble when applying for work, Visa, at the customs, at school...ect..ect. People always thought he was being a diva. But in actual fact, he really didn't have a first name. I laughed myself silly over all the incidents that he had over his name.

Anyway, it was all in the name of fun for me and in the end, it didn't even get published in the actual papers. It was however online The Star website under their Property section. So, here's a little sneak peak into my world :)

Above: First half of The Star article by Willy...

Above: Second half of The Star article by Willy...Read it online The Star Property.

Above: With the much talked about writer himself.

Above: Sze, resting comfortably at home. Black bangle available online

Above: Black Motive
Product Code: BR100210070
Selling Price: USD 24 / RM84
Description Type: Cuff Bangle
Size: 2.5" x 2" in diamater [Width 1.3"]
A black shiny surface bangle with a delicate flower motive in dusty gold trimmmings on the front. Classy and vintage looking piece on its own with a pop of colour that stands out against any simple outfit. Can be layered with other stack bangles or bracelets too. Enclosed by magnet.