
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Estee Lauder, Beautiful Earth Campaign

After reading about the oil spillage in the Gulf Coast of the United States of A, I was so geared up when my friend Jean Loh, Senior Special Events Manager of Estee Lauder Companies (ELC), invited me to the launch of ELC's environmental innitiative this year. I was so heart broken over the fact that tonnes of oil was gushing into the water with no hopes of containing it that I felt so compelled to at least make an "indirect" difference.

Just yesterday, The Star reported that despite efforts of trying to plug the spitting hole, they (won't name names) have failed miserably. And today's news was that, the oil will continue to spill into the sea until the month of August. This is partially because, it will take them (the people responsible) two whole months to drill another hole in the vicinity to reduce the pressure of this humpback one. A whole two months of oil covering the surface of the waters, suffocating the living life out of the poor sea world, is... just traggic.

You think the tanker colliding and causing the oil spill in Singapore is bad, well think very hard about this. It is devastating. And there's nothing you can do to save the environmental damage already caused, right? Well technically, you can, even if we're not directly involved in spooning the oil out of the sea. We can certainly play our part by putting in place, things that can reverse the effects of the damages. Are you still with me?

I'll try to relate in layman terms what I learnt today (with my very beautiful preggar friend, Sook Wei) at the ELC Beautiful Earth Campaign. Firstly, their company's focus this year was the mangroove forest in Malaysia. What do these "minority" forest have to do with the Reverse Uno? To state point blankly, these mangrove forest actually absorb pollution and filter the air. It actually takes the rubbish that we (YES WE!!) pollute our earth with and slowly reverse it. Like a purifyer. One mature tree gives out the cooling effects of 10 air-conditions units. With the rate of global warming and the constant smog we are covered in, you'd want to be very sure these trees stay and not only stay, but that new ones are replanted constantly.

And if you're alike me, and don't have green fingers (I just killed two pretty pots of flowers last week *sad* ), don't worry, ELC is not asking you to plant them yourselves by giving you seedlings. LOL! You can however, give RM25 to them in return that they plant a tree on your behalf. Wow! What more can you ask for? You just have to dip your hands into your 2.55 Channels. What do you get in return? Well (2.55 Channel owner), duh, precious clean AIR! And to top it, a very funky (I'm seriously in love with it) reusable grocery bag to thank you for your contribution! It was cooler than the ones I've seen at the grocers (and way cooler than expensive branded bags) :P so I got two!

Check them out from today till the end of June 2010 at Mid Valley and hop on over to the new LV store (opening soon) at The Gardens. That's plenty of time to head on down, but don't procrastinate! :)

Above: Check out the counter, at the Starbucks entrance of Mid Valley Megamall. You'll be able to donate the RM25 there and get your re-usable bags.

Above: The bags when folded can be neatly fitted into little green pouches. Easy to keep in your glove compartments.

Above: The super fun looking, colourful and hip reusable bags are so eye catching. Love the colours and how it's not so earthy-bearthy but so funnie-bunnie! Love it!

Above: With the ever-young-looking Katrina Liew, Brand Manager of Estee Lauder.

Above: At the backdrop wall, with Yen Chong (Clinique Senior PR Manager), Jean Loh (Estee Lauder Senior Special Events and Promotions Manager) and Audrey Ang (Estee Lauder Training Manager)

Above: Catching up with Geraldine Yap (Estee Lauder Training Exe) and Ng Ju Lin (Clinique Marketing Exe).

Above: Sharing a chat with Jerry Chan (Clinique Senior Merchandising Manager) and Susan Khor (Origins Sales and Training)

Despite having to leave the house way before my husband, it was an awesome morning to boot. Thank goodness, there was also valet right at the event area! *Phew*. Going has made me realise, that I NEED to be more vigilant about seperating my trash, saying no to one-off plastic bags, bringing my tumbler instead of buying bottled water and switching off all unused electricity. And, I also need to make sure I cultivate green fingers of my own *wink*

For the later part I'm thinking of designing some Sze Accessories re-usable enveloped and bags for when I SEND you your goodies! And for the very, very much later part, I might consider a Chanel. Any ideas? Share with me your save-the-earth tips and email me your generous ideas to . Thanks. I will love you to bits if you do! :)