
Monday, July 5, 2010

8 Style 4 Interview with 988 DJ Xin Yin

Watch the video by clicking on this link below:-
8 Style 4 : Episode 27

Above: From Left to Right: With 988 DJ and 8TV host, Cheryl Lee Xin Yin (in turquoise top), assistant producer Siew Ling and videographer Kee.

I'm sorry! I should have mentioned this earlier so that you could have caught it on 8TV when it aired. But I was out of town last weekend for a friend's wedding in Malacca and had no access to the internet. Therefore, I need to get an iPhone soon. *hint hint * (to hubby) so that I can always update you on the go, where ever I am.

Tian Xing, producer for 8 Style 4, a Chinese program that features stylist and all things fashion called one day and asked if I'd like to do a TV interview with them. The catch is, it's in Mandarin. Being brought up in an English speaking environment, I was super panicky. I speak very little mandarin (pu thong hua) with my cousins and often get laughed at because I mix my Mandarin and Cantonese like the banana that I am (white on the inside but yellow on the out).

But I managed to get help from Chinese speaking friends and in a day or two, translated most of what I wanted to say into written language. The problem was, I could hardly remember the words I translated and ended up using English for most of the time anyway. So much for all the preparation! But it was better than not being prepared.

Language aside, I was asked to do a DIY Step-By-Step with the host Xin Yin during the interview. Another hurdle as lots of preparation was needed to avoid time wastage (although, really, it can be edited out). I spend days doing up the actualy pieces that I was going to teach her, prepared pieces done half way and also put out all the tools for use.
Xin Yin is such a professional. Most of the time, I couldn't catch the torrent of Chinese words flying out of her mouth at 180kmp/hr. You should catch some of my expressions on screen. You can actually tell that I'm pretending to know what she's talking about, or not (cause I hid it well). *wink* Basically, I was quite the train wreck inside, appearing calm on the out.

Above: Set-up for the shoot. Layout of items used for the step-by-step shoot and the actual products displayed as background.

Anyway, we made some really cool bibs using my acrylic bases and managed to make it easy for just about anyone to make them at home. I'm sure if Xin Yin can do it, you should be able too. I don't think she would have made it with arts and crafts. Her glue applications were horrendous.
So, thank goodness, she's a super popular host and not a jewelry designer :P
Check the interview and Sze's DIY on the 8TV website or just click on the link right above to catch it! Pretty interesting attempt on video!
Another round of interview with 8TV this Thursday in preparation for Merdeka day. I'll let you know in advance but keep your eyes lock onto the box Sundays, 1pm for 8 Style 4 in the month of August :) Till then, I'm listening to 988 everyday to BETTER my Chinese :P