
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hello! May 2010

It's hard to keep track of the magazine features especially when most of them are now wrapped with plastic wrappers to avoid free reading at magazine outlets. Well, what a waste of plastic bags. Sometimes, ironically, some of the mags actually give out free Eco Bags in those sealant bags *dumbfounded* . But Hello! magazine is a helluva mag cause they are there for you to pick up, browse and well, flip through to see if you spot your brand in there. And that's how I chanced upon this writeup below.

A bit of a delay and back log of work but hope you're updated nonetheless :) Below is a page on online shoppaholics and some online shops to tempt you. Included is our very own website Check it out.

Above: Hello! Malaysia May 2010

Above: Blurb on the bottom right on Page featured is our popular Turquoise Collection. And the chic black and purple earrings featured are from our Rouge Collection ;)