
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Countdown to Christmas: Hot Dec 2010

Above: Sze's Red Christmasy pieces to match your Christmas frock! :D

Another 3 more days to Christmas. What a jolly feeling! Can't wait to celebrate the day with loved ones and friends. Bet church is going to be lots of fun too at this time of the year. Family dinners and get togethers always bring such warmth and closeness. Am really looking forward to it.

This year has passed by too fast and I can't say that I'm feeling much ofthe Christmas vibe. Don't seem to hear the Christmas Carols jinggling at malls much this season. The only place I'll probably find lots of carolling will probably be at DUMC (Damansara Utama Methodist Church). So, if you're looking to get into the mood for Christmas, hop on over at 8:30am or 11am for our Christmas Celebrations! Till then, have a blessed one!

Above: Hot Magazine's Cover Dec 2010.

Above: SzeAccessories red earrings featured in Hot Magazine.