
Friday, July 3, 2009

Sze featured in VenusBuzz.Com

I received an e-mail the other day from a friend, titled, "Just in case you missed out on this". Yeah, sure enough- I did! It was an article written by Venus Buzz, an online portal for all things alien to Mars. Basically, it's a website with lots of womenly stuff to check out, simple?
But it's great to know that there are writeups in lifestyle websites and magazines that I don't always catch. With all the wedding preps coming along, making more pieces for you fanatics out there and running this website all alone, it's tough to managed everything all at once (sometimes). But other than that, I'm grateful for support like this (always).
So, be a sweetie pie and alert me when you do come across Sze in any magazines/ websites, ok? You would really help me (a lot) to keep track of the "mass" media. And then I can free my hands to make more beautified pieces for you gurls. Much appreciated in advance. Thanks.
Above: Must-have baubles article on Sze at

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