
Monday, September 21, 2009


During the Raya Holidays, instead of going outta town, the girls came over to launch the "office", catch up on chit chat and basically nail down the designs of their bridesmaids dresses. Yes, these are the girls, the other half could not make it, so we had a small gathering to just jump start it all.

We toured the little new space that I work in. The girls had a preview of the newer pieces that were hot out of the oven. And Jeanine said, "this is where you display all your nice pieces". To which I replied, "No, they are all online. They just look even nicer 'in person'." :)

The girls decided on their dress design to accompany me down the aisle. We took measurements and had a jolly good time laughing over measuring terms like "bust tip- to- bust tip". Were rolling in laughters at the end of the day sharing girly information which is probably too much to share here. What I can share with you, are a fragment of the pictures we took. Here you go!

Above: The brady bunch posing with their welcome packs.
Above: Light refreshments and the welcome gifts for the girls. We had guacamole dip with Lays BBQ chips, Lorina Lemonade and cold Strawberry Swiss roll from Bon Bons.
Above: May (with the usual swirl of her wine in hand), myself and Cheryl.
Above: What do you do when you're out and about?!

Above: Jeanine, tearing away at her gift furiously.
Above: Ohh la la...Loving her M.A.C lipstick pallette.
Above: Jayen and her stash. Too beautiful to open?
Above: Cheryl, staring at her own reflection in hers. Satisfaction on her lips.
Above: May gently cradling her little box of goody.
Above: May's gift and the pair of earrings she bought from Sze. An early preview, for the best of friends.

Above: May (Official Sze Accessories's Model) thus the turquoise dress. With her pair of Gold Leaf earrings she got from our previous collection.
Above: Cheryl and her new piece 'pearl and butterfly' earring from our upcoming Wedding range ;) So demure and sweet!
Ooohh...I can't wait to think up another excuse just to have another gathering.

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