
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Handing up of Poloroid Pictures...

This were the pictures taken with the Instant Camera that Martell Provided us with. Some of them are pictures from the past that have been super-imposed into the poloroids as they are better at telling a story about my background. I hope you enjoy seeing them as much as I enjoy snapping them! Cheers!

Above: Shopping, not exactly the ultimate favourite pasttime, just the second favourite. I like brands like Zara and Banana Republic for their classic cuts yet stylish cuts, material and price. But there are always the Bangsar shops like Tea and Symphathy or Baci that I have become accustomed to based on friendships with the owners.

Above: Looking around at the stuff at Tea & Sympathy laced with collonial English touches. Whimsical, old time, English with a dash of Yorkshire.

Above: My favourite cafe of all time, Cuppacakes by +Wondermilk with it's interesting array of colourful and intricate designs of cupcakes. Love the old school items they put on sale and the whole feel of the cozy cafe. Which reminds me, will have to update those shelves for Christmas soon.
Above: A Malaysian at heart. Favourite places in Malaysia, Penang, Malacca, the beaches and supporting my brother at his Ironman races in Langkawi. Love Mooncake or Lantern festival for the dimly lit paper lanterns that exude such a romantic and warm feeling in the air.
Above: Love to travel with peers to neighbouring countries for those short visits with a huge bunch of people. Miss diving but don't think I'd be doing it anytime soon with the eratic weather. Actually, I'm just chickening out from the "fantastic" experience I had with diving :P

Above: Family and travel. Very close to my brother and parents who try to travel to some far away place just to have some family "alone" time together.

Above: Enjoy scenic travels compared to those to the cities. Love Australia for it's nature and it's conservative efforts to preserve nature at it's best.


Above: In my leisure, I can sit and read for hours. Finally finish the Twilight saga and am really looking for a good author to follow. Somehow, can't seem to find one that clicks. Any suggestions? I love to bake but only have 4 recipies in my baking folder. Will continue to collect more recipies then.
Above: Other things I do when I am at home. Feed the fish ( yes, it's boring no doubt but someone has got to do it.) Tap on the piano keys once in a while and of course, make jewelry in the garden, while the fishes go about their business. .
Above: Doing what I love as a form of exercise...dancing! Bones are a bit creaky now though.


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