
Monday, September 7, 2009

Martell Rising Personalities Awards 2009

Ok, so the big news is....*drumm rollllll* (for special effects, click play and listen to the Miley Cyrus song in my blog entry below before you start reading this).

WE'RE IN! I can't believe it! Well, I'm in! And very excited about it! I couldn't quite believe my ears when Jade Yoong from Martell called and told me that I had been selected as one of this year's 10 finalist for Martell's Rising Personalities Awards 2009 which followed with an email as below:

"Per our phone conversation, I am delighted to inform you that you have been nominated as one of the finalists of the Martell VSOP Rising Personalities Awards 2009, which recognizes up-and-coming individuals who rise above the competition and have great potential to reach greater heights. As promised, please find attached the letter detailing your nomination. We hope you will accept and confirm your nomination. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions." ~Jade Yoong, Martell~

Gosh... it's been two long years of hardwork but it's finally seeing some little inkling of light at the end of the tunnel. I seriously don't consider myself in the same league as celebrities like Jaclyn Victor (Singer), Joanne Yeoh (Violinist), Jonathan Putra (VJ), DJ Blink (DJ), Xandria Ooi (Host) who were selected in year 2007 and 2008...but with a bit of stardust from above, I somehow got onto the list for this year's Martell Rising Personalities Awards 2009! Ain't it amazing?

My first reaction was, "Did someone nominate me into the list? Or did I send in my profile or something?" which followed by a reassuring, "No, we found you and realise that you matched our criteria."

"Woa!" was all I could silently let out. I quickly added "This is not going to take a whole duration of 6 months, right?" Reason being, was, that I need to also prepare for my "other" big day and the walk down the aisle early next year. Prior to this I had another opportunity that I had to give up. I was chosen to be part of Modelle's 50 (so sorry to Editor Syaiful) but had to let that go because the time commitment was a grueling 6 months. But this was heaven sent as the whole process isn't going to take that long a time. So, I accepted!

So, after the long awaited suspense, here are some pictures from the first shoot that I did with them. The shots are taken from behind-the-scene in Cheras last Friday. Was so nervous and jittery during the video interview but William Lee, Pernod Ricard Malaysia's Brand Manager was so kind to assure me that I did not look it. *Phew* However, I wished I could have been more calm because there were a few more things that I wanted to say that didn't quite come out right. LOL! Anyway, the actual profile shots from this shoot should be appearing in magazines in the next few months. At the mean time, I am looking forward to another video shoot at my "studio" next week. They want to see my fingers work-in-action and how my loft looks like. Thus the many, many trips to Ikea to do up the workplace a little nicer (you'd know, if you follow my Twitter). Don't worry, I'll post the video up here and you'll get a preview of it too.

Above: Behind the scene: All dolled up, with the photo crew at the first Martell Rising Personalities Awards 2009 shoot.

Above: Behind the scene: With the TBWA advertising company folks including a long time friend from college days in Perth, Australia, Terri (far right in lilac).

Above: Behind the scene: With Jade Yoong and the video crew who did the video interview on what it means to Rise Above?

Above: With William Lee, Brand Manager of Pernod Ricard Malaysia.

What is a "Rising Personality?" According to Martell VSOP, it's an individual with the passion and drive to push beyond the boundaries of success, someone who exceeds expectations and has the ability to rise above life's challenges. Some other quotes below that share the same sentiments.

Some quotes from other sources on what a Rising Personality means:-

"Sometimes you’re born a star but for truly respected celebrity status, you have to earn it. In seeking to recognise earned positions of recognition, Martell has herded up a collection of folks who are where they are now by their effort alone and seek to honour them as a Martell Rising Personality." ~David Chin, Juice~

“These ten promising Malaysians were recognised for their exceptional achievements in their own forte and today we honour them for embodying the Martell VSOP brand spirit and values. The personalities that we pay tribute to with the Martell VSOP Rising Personalities Award 2008 have the vision, success and passion needed to seize opportunities to bring themselves to even greater heights in life. As such, Martell has and will continue to be committed in supporting the growth of aspiring young individuals, as reflected by the self-mad success of its adventurous founder Jean Martell.” ~Deric Tan, Marketing Director of Pernod Ricard Malaysia, Faces~

Videos of previous years Martell Rising Personalities Awards:
Martell Rising Personalities Award Invitation 2007
Martell Rising Personalities Gala Dinner 2007
Martell Rising Personalities Media Launch 2008
Martell Rising Personalities Award 2008

I'm really x 13, 142, 145 times excited about it and am hoping that you are too. Cause I will DEFINITELY need ALL the support that I can get from all my friends, family and of course each and every Sze Accessories' customers. You are the people who made this happen for me by helping me survive this competitive industry with your constant support. Thank you, thank you, thank you... I cannot begin to express how much appreciation I feel. *MUAKS*

May the underdog win! I'm so counting on your votes when it starts! *fingers cross*

P.S.- Have a listen to the song truly encompasses how I feel sometimes.

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