
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas In London

I'm always facinated to know how Christmas is like in the chill of winter. Watching those Christmasy movies makes you feel like moving to the EU just to get into that festive mood. Oddly enough, I don't think I've ever seen falling snow. I'll wish upon a star tonight that we'll wake up to a white Christmas but that'd be scary here in Malaysia though!

I can't believe one year has gone by in such a quick (lazer cutting) blink of an eye. I still remember the Christmas play at church last year like it was only a few months ago. Where had all the time gone? Dec always makes a reminiscing fool out of me but it also inspired me to create this lovely charm bracelet that's oh so biker chick chic and yet exudes such a festive mood!


Type: Bracelet
Size: 7" x 1.5"
Price: RM119 / USD34
(Handmade by Sze)

A bundle of black leather bunched together to create a one-of-a-kind charm bracelet. Filled with gold pieces of charms that include a fluer de lis, crown, heart, cupid, key, cameo and even an oval locket that opens up to allow you to insert a pair of pictures. With trimmings in gold, this piece is a cross between the modern charm bracelet with a classic
antique feel with all the colours that shout out the holiday season feeling.

Available for order at our website under the Amber Collection.

Felis Navidad!