
Monday, January 18, 2010

Wedding Bells A Ringing

Above: A peep shot at the behind the scene of our pre-wedding picture session that started at 6am in the morning till 11:30pm. No doubt it was fun but it really took a lot of energy.

I knew it was going to be a tough first two months of the year. Seeing that I had the event of my life to plan for coupled with all that's been happening around Sze Accessories. So, I thought I'd just give everyone a heads up about what's been going on so that you'd understand why I take a little longer to reply sms, emails and also phone calls at times. I know I might live to regret a few interviews that I've turned down, a lot of request to learn jewelry making from potential interns and some re-make orders that I don't have time resourcing the findings used to make them. Worse of all, friends that have asked time and again to meet up :( . Yes, I'm human and do feel a deep sense of remorse for being unable to catch up on some titter-tatters.

If you've been following our previous blogs, you'll catch the "I'm getting married vibe" on most of my postings. Almost every little girl's dream is to walk down the aisle in her dream wedding dress and that make believe statistic includes silly ol' me! :) Planning has started taking over most of the hours I have in a day and sleep has also taken a back seat. I sleep only 5 hours a day and walk around like a zombie for the most of it. I know it's extremely bad for a bride-to-be and thus I have decided that something has to give. I am going to cut back and learn to take things easy for this next two months so that I conserve my energy and so that I can pretend to look radiant on my big day.

If you're like most Malaysians, and you read The Star in Sunday mornings, you would have probably caught my interview under the Health section of the papers yesterday about me living a healthy lifestyle so that I can sustain my business. No doubt, the business has gone a notch busier, but so has my personal life. Spliting the two is almost impossible since my business is run solely by me. And that is why I have to make a little bit of an adjustment in these next two months so that I get a little more "me" time to myself. I have to slow down so that my body doesn't wear out. Pre-mature aging doesn't look good on me ;P

Already I spent New Years Eve in a loading bay and my birthday as a contractor setting up our promo area (till 3am) and will probably be doing the same in Feb during Chinese New Year. So, I figured that I can't always devote myself to work. I need to set aside time for people and things that matter more in life than my business and money (although, it does really make the world go round and put food on the table). Therefore, I'm going to have to learn to take it a little slower in the jewelry making department and learn to say no to lots of opportunities coming my way. I'm not saying they are not great opportunities but I have to learn to prioritise so that I don't just go with the flow and get washed away by the current.

My top priority now, is to make sure I've got everything settled for the wedding so that my guest will have a tremendous good time at my ceremony and reception. Saying that, I'm not entirely forsaking Sze Accessories, I just wanted to share with you why I'm always so caught up with a million errands to run so that you'll get a glimpse of why we're unable to accomodate a lot of the request that's been coming our way. Trust me when I say, I miss making beautiful custom made jewelry but for that, we will have to wait till after March when I'm back from my honeymoon :) For now, I'll continue to upload pieces that I've already made prior to the busi-ness setting in. I'm sure they will still satisfy your jewelry addiction and that you'll be able to find some pretty trinkets that tickle your heart just till I come back in full force.

So, don't be a stranger, just be patient with me for this two months. Again, THANKS so much for your support, understanding and well wishes. :) I'll try and share my wedding bliss with you soon! :) Ooohhh...I can hear the bellsss....