
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sze Accessories for Yomeishu

Health is underated!

Above: The Star article courtesy of Yomeishu featuring an interview with Sze Yoong from Sze Accessories.

Cliche but oh so true! Well, for starters, if I were sick, I wouldn't be able to work on my business as I've been solely handling it on my own. So, this Yomeishu article has helped me realise how important my health is so that my business runs smoothly.

The questions have helped me go through in my head on how I'm actually treating my body. Things like that make you stop and think. We sometimes assume we're treating our body well when in actual fact, we run it overtime. Soon enough, we'll realise that pre-mature aging has taken place due to all the stress we put on ourselves. Answering the questions in this interview has made me realise that sometimes I too take my health for granted. So, saying that, some things like working late into the wee hours of the mornings have to so- go!
Which is a good thing, cause now I try to sleep earlier :), drink more water :), eat healthy :) and well...."plan" to go to the gym more often :P Anyways, I think the newspapers (The Star, Guang Ming Daily and Sin Chew Daily) have covered most of what I have to share. Do read them as below.
Right now, it'd be great to have some Yomeishu at hand :)))

Above: Sze Yoong in Guang Ming Daily writeup for Yomeishu.

Above: Sze Yoong in Sin Chew Daily for Yomeishu.