
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sze @ Isetan KLCC

Above: Taken from the right of the usual, the space in KLCC is slightly more cramp, making the tables look pretty loaded up with things. Where as the Gardens set up is more spacious with lots more room for a more comfy display.

Above: Taken from the left of table. The round table has a stand of all things handmade by Sze. Earrings, rings and even handmade charm bracelets are available.

We're also running our promo concurrently at Isetan KLCC. Woke up at 7:30 after the set up at Isetan The Gardens till 3:30am the night before just to rush over to have a look at my KLCC counter. I didn't manage to get myself cloned, so I had to get my ever-willing fiance to set up for me at KLCC instead. I lingered around my counter untill way after tea time just to make sure the floor managers were satisfied with the layout. While I was about the leave, it started to dawn upon them that I was the person in the magazine articles on the table. I was so shy. Gosh, it must have been my 3 quarter pants and t-shirt (out-of-bed) look that must have made me look so worn out. Besides I only had less than 3 hours of sleep the night before. *gasp* Really bad for a bride to be who has only less than 2 weeks to pretty up. *sniff* Wanna cry already.

Well, that's the part of my job. Merchandising and setting up which are usually done by blury strong contractors are handle by me, myself, and I. It had to be done and I'm running kinda solo. So, I did what I had to do. Drag the groom along so that he wouldn't look prettier than me on our wedding day.

Which also brings to mind a friend's recent remark. He said that my so called "success" encouraged him to start his own business. I was a bit sceptical cause I know, what I've posted up so far has all been lovely and dandy but really, what goes on behind the scene (which is sheer grueling hardwork with no off-days and into the middle of the night, like now, kinda work) had never quite been revealed. The grass is always greener on the other side...which is so true, cause when I look outta my balcony window, my neighbour's grass does look a lot greener than the grass in our garden. Literally. But I have learnt that I need to stop wasting time peeping over my shoulders to look and compare. Instead, I should focus on my strengths and better myself. And that's how I propose to move forward :) But till then, and till Isetan hopefully gives me a permanant spot (so I don't have to dismantle and set-up 1, 020, 201 times), I'll be trying to rest more...13 days to go and counting down...that's less than two weeks. *BIG GASP* Nites.........YAWNNNNN....btw, your support at Isetan KLCC and The Gardens is much needed for my wedding do go over and grab a few pieces or so, okies? Ta for now :)