
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Female Feb 2010

Interview with Female... that was suppose to be featured this month is pushed to May. However, I think someone forgot to take out the small blurb in the "Behind the Scenes" page. Spotted, Sze and Female's writer fooling around in the background. Hope the postphoned article turns out great and that this time, it'd be a nicer pic [compared to the one in 2008] ;)

Above: Female March 2010 Cover. Love the fuchsia.

Above: Behind the Scenes, Sze in a Turquoise dress in the above, far right picture with Chan Wan Lee, freelance writer from Female who turns out to attend the same church as I do :) [We have about 4,000 people in our church, tough to know everyone]

Keep a look out for the full interview featuring in May 2010.