
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Marie Claire Women of Substance and Style 2010

It's a priviledge and an honour to be recognise for work well done. I'm extremely grateful for this support. Thank you Mindy, Shanti and the team at Marie Claire, Blu Inc for selecting me as one of the 10 Women of Substance and Style for the year 2010. Being chosen last year for Martell's Rising Personality Awards was already such a pleasant suprise but to be recognise as someone who has fashion sense (*winks in style*) coupled with brains, is totally exhilarating! .

Above: Marie Claire August 2010 Cover. .

Above: Marie Claire's Section on Women of Style and Substance 2010 (WOSS).


Above: Sze Yoong's profile. Silk dress from Salvatore Ferragamo, trinity draprie necklace, gold diamond ring, pink gold Bagnoire watch from Cartier.


Above: Interview with the va...women!


Funnily, I don't quite consider myself as an entrepreneur (such a big word for such a small person). I just keep stiving to do my best and give it my all. But with everything I've put in, it's really meaningful to have people say, "Hey, I see what you're doing, and it is fineeee!", makes it worthwhile.


But saying that, I still feel like I am really not the person to go to for advice on business. I'm in the trial and error department. Everything that I have done thus far, is an attempt. Attempting to succeed but failing many times along the way. Which brings to mind a book my 'then' fiance had me read. It's called Failing Forward. It was an encouragement for me during my lowest times when people could not understand what I was working on. So, with each tumbling step I take (even now), I get up and continue to push myself forward and I suppose that is what keeps me going (still a long way to go...). I don't have any short cuts or secret formulas to "success". I'm traditional- give your best in whatever you do and in the end, it will come back to you.

Other than that, I have Jesus to thank for it. For without Him, I am nothing. Prayer has done wonders in my life. So, whenever I'm down, I get on my knees (not literally all the time) and God is there for me. He always has my back. And that is such a great assurance and comfort to me. I hang on to his promises in the Bible with my favourite verse as below.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11-

And I end off with an echo of the words from one very successful Women of Susbstance and Style.

"Nobody is entirely self-made and everyone from the teachers who help us learn new things, parents who give us values and friends who give us support, play a part in our growth and success." -Kudsia Kahar, General Manager & VP of Corporate Strategy & Industry Developement, AMP Radio Stations-

Thank you for your constant support.

-Sze Yoong, SzeAccessories.Com-