
Friday, October 29, 2010

Itsy-Bitsy... Yellow Polka... Dot...

Hello sunshine! It's the weekends! Yes!!!

Sometimes I feel like I wanna just pack up and head off to a remote beach just to chillax! The tension from the week just wears me out and I wanna scream, ice cream???

Would be fantastic to lie in the sun and soak in all the bliss! Well, an escape to the white sandy beaches are just the right way to do it. But for those who live hours away from the nearest one, it's worth day dreaming about.

Check out below, we've updated some really colourful and bright items under our Yellow Collection just to cheer you up (and ourselves too)! After all, we have our "beachy" days. But it's just going to get better. *Smiles*

Above: Yellow Stripe Bikini, Polka Dotted Shopping Bag, Weaved Bracelet, Heart Locket, Frangipani Hairclip and White Studded Belt from Sze Accessories under our Yellow and Amber Collection.

Well, I live in the city, so beaches are terribly far. I can however, get off my lazy derrier and go for a ride around the neighbourhood or well, play Ice Tychoon on the iPhone4 till it wears me out! Sze's 101! :P