
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Guess what came in the mail?

Above: Guess what came in the mail today? I've got a new toy!
Move aside digital camera... the POLOROID is taking centre stage. For this month, that is. Thanks to Martell's generosity, I get my very own Fuji Instax Instant Camera to have fun with. Well, I am actually suppose to use it for taking pictures of my lifestyle as a Jewelry Designer and as a "person" to showcase on a wall during the Martell's Rising Personalities Award 2009 Media Launch in Oct 09.

So, I get this cute sms from a guy called Alex from Ktalyst International to make an appointment to meet me. Sort of like a date, except that there's no romance involved! :P He said just wanted to pass me a Poloroid Camera. Well, ok! I'm up for the freebie although it's really on loan.

What I need from you is to tell me, what pictures you would like to see on that Personality wall about me? What parts of my life would you like being told in a thousand words in a single picture? And that would really help give me an idea of what shots to snap.

You can email me or just post on the "Shout Out" column on the right of this page ;). I can be reached at Really looking forward to hearing those great insights and ideas from you. Thanks!

Above: Sneak peak...

Above: A spanking new Instant Camera with 80 loads of film to play with! Hooray!!!
Let's get it started! Say Cheese!

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