
Saturday, September 12, 2009

We had lots of fun at Urbanscapes flee market a few months back despite the sun and the blistering heat. So, I suppose we'll have so much more this time around with the upcoming Chic Pop Street Market happening at Zouk Kuala Lumpur! Details of the event is as below, and yes, we'll be there to grace the event with our presence. Cán't wait! See you there! Drop me a note if you're going to be there too :)

"First regional fashion flea market to be held in Zouk KL"

Event: Chic Pop: Street Market
What: Flea Market
Start Time: Saturday, October 3 at 11:00am
End Time: Sunday, October 4 at 6:00pm
Where: Zouk KL

Click here for map.

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