
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BFM 89.9 interview

I had the most interesting morning, and interestingly, I'm suppose to be getting ready as my taxi will be here in a few seconds to get me to LCCT. I'm catching a flight to Penang on an impromptu trip to learn how to use a Swarovski HotFix applicator. That aside, as I was saying, I went to the BFM office this morning cause I had an interview session with Freda Liu.

After listening to her interviews on BFM's website (through their podcast), I have to admit that, her strong powerful voice was a bit startling. In a good way, that is. I've worked in a radio station before, so when I heard her interview, I knew she was one not to be messed with. Of course, it gave me the jitters. I was a bit restless in sleep last night. But....BUT!!!....when I walked into the office this morning, the atmosphere was just so lovely. And so was Freda.

Back to the office, their open concept workplace, and I mean OPEN...everyone works out in the open and the closures are all made of glass. Even the studio is enclosed in glass. It was a huge contrast to the station that I use to work in which had dim lights and a very warm atmosphere, this studio was bright and fresh with light streaming in the windows and doors.

Anyway, as I was saying earlier, Freda was the most approacable DJ anyone can ask for. She had a smile that beamed from ear to ear and she had the most charming persona. It was easy to just chat with her which made all my nervousness fall away and seep into the ground. That saying, of course, I felt scared and unsure. Afterall, this was my first radio interview. But having such a friendly DJ made the experience one to remember.

I'll always be grateful for this opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences with the public. I just wished I knew how to express myself better and answer the questions with more surety. Definitely a lot more to learn. And I've got to keep practicing, as I'm looking forward to doing another session with them for their evening belt, In Conversation which is their 7pm slot.

In Conversation as explained by Shir Li from BFM...
"This is a new segment and will feature interviews with famous and successful personalities who have shaped this nation. We will have a different guest every day. This is an intimate session which will offer you the opportunity to talk about your life outside your career/your business, your trials and tribulations so far, your hopes and dreams for the future, your interests/hobbies and/or your life story. In a nutshell, we act as a platform for you to connect with the listeners on a personal level."

Ok,I got to go now...I hear the cabbie outside. Last two days of voting, so please vote!

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