
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Clinique's Seventeen Teen Party

Above: With Jerry Chan, Clinique's Senior Merchandising Manager who overseas all the decor. Great job!

The weekend with at the Clinique Teen Party organised by Seventeen Magazine was such a thrill! Not only was the response overwhelming (was suppose to be only 60 participants but 75 turned up), the crowd this year was just amazingly spruced up for lots of fun. Credit has to be given to Liang, the MC, who really had the girls cheering, screaming and just getting all excited over the whole party. Not only did they get their faces and hair dolled up, they even had their nails done. There was a fashion show after the skincare and makeup talk by Clinique experts where the girls learned how to maintain good skin and put on simple makeup. But the (best) fun part was of course, being able to make their own ribbon charm necklace in Sze Accessories DIY corner. Some found it easy but others a tad bit difficult especially when it came to the small jump rings. Controling them with the use of tools is really not for beginers. But they managed! Amazing! :) It was so fun that I time just flew by so quickly. Was there from 10am till 3:30pm, not a morsel of food and yet I didn't feel hungry at the end of the day. Not sure whether it was cause I was running on adrenaline. Anyway, it was a good experience and I'm sure all the participants who each walked away with a lucky draw prize (yes, each and everyone of them got a gift!...oh...I want that Le Sport Sac and the Levis sunnies) would say so too. If you missed it out this year, there's always next year. See you then, hopefully! :)

Above: The setup all deck in red and white balloons which match the setting of Roots furnitures that were in black, red and rich maroon.

Above: Sze Accessories little private nook with our tools and findings ready for the girls to DIY their own ribbon charm necklace.

Above: My favourite... the candy bar....

Above: The crowd....

Above: Participants trying their hands out at making necklaces and bookmarks.

Above: Check out the female toilet's walls at Roots... *drools*