
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Martell Rising Personalities Award 2009: Gala Dinner- Finale

Finally, the all awaited result night, came and went faster than I could sit and breath in it's existance. Good times pass by really fast and the bad crawl like the few-hundred-decades old tortoise. However, I have began to see them as part and parcel of life, they co-exist together. A really long 4-5 months journey of much doing and lots of activities that have yet to stop. I arrived on Thursday and it's been non-stop. So, appologies for the very slow update. I know I got like a million sms-es asking about the results. But first, let us reminisce on the trip that brought me thus far:
August 2009
September 2009
- Sze's Studio from scratch for video shoot
October 2009
- Voting Starts Online
- Sze Yoong takes lead in polls
- Media features in Clive, Juice, KLUE, BFM 89.9
November 2009
- Media features in Clive, New Man, Oxygen, The Star, TIC
December 2009
- Media Features in August Man, BFM89.9 In Conversation
- Designing 250 handmade Door Gifts

But like all things in life, the Awards Gala Night was a close to this year's 2009 Personalities Award with the chosen winner in Will Quah (the handsome white guy) who bared his shockingly slim legs in his Speedos to the guest after his wind fall of RM20, 000, 10 bottles of Martell V.S.O.P and a trip to France (probably with his best buddy, Nikki Cheong who won the Media Awards).

As mentioned before the winner was announced, apparently, the second place winner came in soooo close (yet so far) to winning that the organisers had to go right down to decimal points to determine the winner. Still, at the end of the night, there's only going to be one person on that free flight to France with a huge allowance. All in all, it was a great experience. One that's always going to remind me that dreams do become bigger than you imagine possible and that people do succeed when they put lots of effort into what they do.

For my very supportive friends, family members and customers who constantly voted each and everyday, I know who you are and I'm greatly moved by the time you spent voting. It wasn't easy logging in everyday but know that your votes brought me closer to winning and I sincerely thank you from the very pits of my heart. You're the best! And if the results let anyone down, it was definitely not me but the many many people who were hoping for an unexpected win, one that would make them feel like winners themselves. And for that, I appologise for not coming out tops. I will try harder the next time. For now, I'm happy to have been apart of it and I hope that you had a great time being part of this milestone in my life. You my friends, are truly my inspiration! So, this comes with lots of thanks and love! :)

Above: Our judges who interviewed us and comprised 60% of the total scoring. From Left Chris Yong, Gillian Hung and Dato's Lewre.

Above: My biggest supporter who supported me every step of the way.

Above: The awards where each nominated personality had to showcase their talents.

Above: My bestest friends (Carmen and Pete) who came in support and William Lee a new found friend and already very "buddy" buddy.

More pictures will be posted on our Sze Accessories Facebook Fan Page. Do join us!